Wild Garlic on Eigg

Wild Garlic
grows in the deciduous woodland on EiggThe Sgurr on the Isle of Eigg

An Sgurr

Information for your stay on Eigg

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any information regarding your visit to The Top House. Below we have listed a number of websites which you may find useful., and do look at comments from some of our visitors using the link on the left.

  • Useful Web Sites
Find more information on
Isle of Eigg Shop Cal Mac Website
Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust Arisaig Marine Website
Isle of Eigg Craft Shop Scotrail website
Island Going Green Visit Scotland
Lageorna Restaurant on Eigg The Road to the Isles
Isle of Muck Isle of Rum
Scottish Wildlife Trust Scottish Natural Heritage
Visit Small islands Eigg Adventures

For those wishing to use Ordinance Survey Maps use the following maps:

OS 1:50,000 Landranger 39 and OS 1:25,000 Explorer 397

Several books in the Tophouse library include three on the history of the island;Eigg: The story of an Island, by Camille Dressler, Eigg, an Island Landscape, by Susanna Wade-Martins, and The Small Isles by John Hunter. For bird life we recommend The Birds of Eigg by John Chester. All are available in the Eigg Craft Shop.

Our contact details are:

Peter and Susanna Wade-Martins,
The Longhouse,
Eastgate Street,
North Elmham,
NR20 5HD.
Telephone: 01362 668435.
email: scwmartins@btinternet.com